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Beyond the Pines von True Brew | Craft Bier Verkostung #1494


Beyond the Pines von True Brew, Bayern, Deutschland

Bewerte das Bier auch in der Kalea BeerTasting App – Alle Details unter http://www.beertasting.club

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Kamera: Panasonic HC-X1000E https://amzn.to/3jmnUCE
Stativ: Sachtler ACE M MS https://amzn.to/2HqDxfa
Mikrofon: RODE Filmmaker Kit https://amzn.to/37A9YTi
Field Mic: RODE M2-TX https://amzn.to/2Hj9ruj
Mobile Phone Mic: RODE Wireless Go https://amzn.to/2Hw97YA
Licht: 3x NEEWER LED Panel Bi-660 https://amzn.to/34kgUBU

Beyond the Pines, True Brew, München, Bayerisches Craftbier, Bavarian Craftbeer, Deutsches Craftbier, German Craftbeer, Imperial, Double, IPA, India Pale Ale, Dosebier, Yes we can, Can